FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - A really good chameleon info site...
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Old 03-10-2006, 06:38 PM   #17
Chameleon Company
To Webmaster at chameleons dish

I realize that I had earlier said that I would not respond to a non-entity. That was before the unfortunate hijacking of this thread by someone who felt a need to speak a bit out-of-tune on your behalf. With all that was said, I wanted to clarify some things.

I have not reviewed your site in depth, and do not intend to. Nor have I reviewed anyone else's site completely. From what I saw, I havve no doubts as to your passion for chameleons and your desire to provide a site worthy of it. Yes, I was the first voice of dissent in this thread, and hope that a few can understand that threads such as this are not guaranteed all peaches and cream. I also don't believe that I would have given your site a look if not for someone else starting this thread and recommending your site as a good information source.

From what I have seen, no site about chameleons is without its flaws. Whether it be a variance from generally acceted opinions, to outright BS, its all out there. My site included. While I have recommended different sites to others new to the hobby, I always recommend several, mine included, so that the reader will get a feel for the variance in opinions. I think that you would do likewise. I do try to steer them towards the sites that I feel represent as much experience as is available. Examples would be Vince at Screameleons, the Kammers at Kammerflage, the Nozaki's at Amazing Blue, Alison at Chameleon Corral, Chris and Jason and others at the Ezine, Adcham, etc. I have particular preferences, but that is not what this is about. In all of those sites, the writer and sources of information are well documented.

Which again brings me to you. I do not question your right to say whatever you want in your site. That includes disclosure of who you are and what experience you base your views on. If much of it is obtained from others, and you choose to credit them, I do think it may appear awkward to some that you remain silent as to your identity. But this is not about "rights". It is not about any need to have achieved some level of credentials. That is for the reader to decide how much credence they put in what you have to say. It is about journalistic integrity in my opinion. The same goes for your coming to this forum and engaging me or others in a discussion. Simply put, and maybe speaking only for myself, I want to know who I am spending my time on, whether it be for pure help, debate, or constructive criticism. Fabian made the statement that who you are, and your experience and credentials, are not what is important, but rather your content. If a website on chameleons were only pictures, and devoid of opinion and conclusion, then maybe so. Like it or not, that's not what your website, or anyone's website, is about. Fabian's conclusion defies logic in my circles. I pointed out what I saw as some misleading and incomplete information in your site to demonstrate that it is not a simple matter of factually based info. I believe that you also understand this.

I do not doubt your sincerity in wanting to solicit and include the educated opinions of others. I saw no where what I would call a claim by you to know it all. That was also never my point. Its about having the temerity to author your work, and expose yourself to the evaluation of others. I will always maintain that it comes with the turf. Whether it be much of the very poor advice we see in places such as the Kingsnake forums, and yes there is some good advice there too, or in a website, the identification and credentials of the author of non-fiction is not an occasional thing. It as about as close to a journalistic absolute as one can get. While I seem to have upset some of the gallery, I also think that you get it. I wish you well up North.