FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Inquiry: Vision rack systems
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Old 03-19-2006, 09:07 AM   #14
Well I went for it...

I decided to go for the Vision rack system and, so far, I like it a lot.
I really like it's mobility and ease of use. The tubs don't grab at all and I haven't noticed any humidity issues(although I did drill some holes in the tubs).
As for the cons, it didn't come with enough heat cable so I had to buy more and it took a few trips to several different stores to track down the tubs, but those were only minor nuisances.
At a total of cost $540 to buy everything(rack, tubs, extra heat cable, thermostat) it's half the cost per drawer space of the rack systems I would usually buy.
Thanks for everybody else's input!