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Old 03-28-2006, 09:32 PM   #8
Originally Posted by hhmoore
... One of the concerns I mentioned to other forum moderators was that we might foster the impression of a group of "good ol' boys" that, for any number of reasons, may not seem open to new comers.
I love fauna, but I do seem to get the feeling that there is kinda a group of "good ol' boys". Everyone in the "group" is really great, but I feel like I'm a real newbie compared to them and sometimes i'm just not very inclined to post because I'm not as experienced. I also feel bad that I haven't made any contributions to this site (I'm just tight on money now, I'll be paying by june). I really like the idea of the Fauna Mentor Program brought up by lucille.

One more thing, I think this poll should get moved out of the pythons discussion forum and put somewhere where more people will see it.