FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Fl.International Reptile Show?
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Old 04-29-2006, 11:09 AM   #115
"Unfortunately, while the "Event" approach does put money in the promoters pocket through gate receipts, it does very little for the vendors. A large portion of the attendees end up being the "lets take the family to the zoo" crowd. The vendors end up entertaining the family for the day with little chance of actually selling anything."

Yes, yes!! I have noticed in those types of events that I spend more time telling people that the corns are not venomous, and yes, they really can breathe in those deli cups, compared to explaining what type of morph they are and which one they should buy! It really does get tiresome. I could re-answer those questions all day long if properly compensated. But revenues have gone down for each show, while expenses have gone up. We have to look at each show with an eye to what the bottom line is likely to be.

The "event" type of show is great family entertainment, and may even educate a few members of the public to where they will consider entering the hobby. But I can't afford to help out for free (or almost free) - there has to be enough financial compensation to make it worthwhile to participate. Or, it has to be so much FUN that I would do it for free, lol!