FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Go Airborne
Thread: Go Airborne
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Old 01-09-2003, 10:44 AM   #6
Ron Billingsley
Two topics of interest here:
1st Topic: Sending a package/recieving a Package
If I am expecting delivery of a package, I make sure someone, either myself or a family member is here to accept said delievery. I never take chances on this issue. If you know something was shipped, and not make arrangments for it's "safe" delivery, well all I see here is a MAJOR PROBLEM with either the animals being left outside in the enivorment (either to hot or to cold), or like was metioned in the aboved post, being tossed around in the back of a vehicle all day, or at it's worst, being sent back to the hub for you to come and fetch.
When sending packages, I make sure, I even STRESS this point: Have someone home to accept delievery. How can I, the seller of said animals gurantee them to you the reciever, if they have been sitting outside in the snow for four hours? Or sitting on the front porch in 95 degree weather (110 in the shade)?? I believe this is the sole reason almost every seller of reptiles that uses these over night carriers says NO GURANTEES and to be honest, can you blame them? Now, I know some folks ship some sorry animals, but that is for another thread.
2nd Topic Regional Differences in the Same Company
What I am trying to say here, is YES I believe that these large companies have different SOP's (standard operationing proceures). I have had FEDEX tell me point blank, we do not, under any circumatances ship reptiles, only to have two shippments arrive the folling day via Fedex!!!
Airborne Express is the little guy, when it comes to this business of shipping. My personal opion is they want the buisness, at least in my area. Most of the drivers that arrive here for pick ups know me by name, and we chat about such things as the weather, fishing or how the Colts suck (NFL football team).
They always arrive by the set time in those new shinny large trucks of theirs, and never, never have I recieved a shipment here later then 10am!! A perfect score.
What happens in Tulsa, Tubbelow Mississippi or that Bum*uckegypt place I always here about I can't comment on, Just what happens here in my little pond.
Good day