FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - High End Shipping Cost
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Old 06-16-2006, 12:45 AM   #6
Clay Davenport
The main difference I see when it comes to producing reptiles is the lack of overhead on the product. What I mean is you hatched it, you didn't buy it for resale.
I admit, I don't approach my breeding as a strict business, but I see hatchlings that I produce as basically as product which cost me very little to bring to market.
If I bought a snake for 9,000 and had it for sale for 10,000 then the $100 shipping would be 10% of my profit, but if I hatched that 10,000 dollar snake the $100 is basically 1%.

As far as I'm concerned I would never think of charging shipping for anyone giving me 10 grand for a snake. I would feel petty and cheap regardless of what they thought of the situation.
My policy is on any order of $1,000 or more shipping is on me automatically. I still consider a grand a good chunk of change and I appreciate that level of business, and when someone thinks enough of my animals to pay that for them, whether it's one expensive snake or 20 cheap ones, I'm going to take care of getting it to them.