FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Bearded Dragon X Rankins Dragon Hybrids
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Old 07-19-2006, 11:13 AM   #1
Jake The Snake
I have a strong oppinion about making hybrids for money and I have expressed it here before. I see no reason to fight the laws of nature. What are the chances a ball and a blood will ever meet in wild? Not in our life times. Snakes have went through many many years of evolution to get where they are now. By creating hybrids, we are forcing them to start the adapt to survive deal all over again, for what? So we can make a good dollar? No good reason if you ask me. Wonder why so many hybrids are infertile, probably because its not meant to be. I mean herps have developed all sorts of features and characteristics to help them survive where they live. Be it eyes on the top of the head in the anacondas to the black color of Marine iguanas to warm up quickly in the sun, they got these features for a reason. I don't want to rub anyone the wrong way here but I feel I can be straight up with everyone here. Hope this post makes sense.