FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Eastern Indigo Hatchlings
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Old 08-01-2006, 12:38 AM   #13
Third: Supply and demand determine the price of most things in a free market system and I have foudn Robert's prices to be in line with most other breeders and slightly less when you realize the demand and scarcity of nice red-chinned specimens.
Based on this statement you wouldn't think there were 4 breeders trying to sell them currently without any luck... Based on supply and demand not only will a price go up but down as well, something clearly none of them want to publicly do.. I have seen Robert selling or attempting to sell the same snakes for months and months without luck..

I guess as sad as it is to say, the politics and greed that have effected the rest of the snake market is making it's way into the Indigo as well... I have spoken with 2 breeders myself who have told me that they can't sell them for $1,000 but don't want to cut the price on others... Debeers is one clear example of supply and demand having nothing to do with a over priced product...

Not trying to be rude here or start a debate, simply pointing out that if you can't sell your snakes after months and months, have no waiting list and little interest the price at some point will have to be looked at as the possible issue..

I would like to see somebody making the supply and demand argument list a pair on reptileauctions.com and let it fly.. I think the price would come in much closer to $1,500 a pair as I think the Indigo will always be a $750 snake..