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Thread: Genetics Debate
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Old 09-11-2006, 03:36 AM   #4
Clay Davenport
Well, with the albino morph, 100% hets are cheap enough now where most anyone can get a pair if they want them. That makes possible hets worth very little. I don't know for sure but I doubt you'd get more than $100 for a female. Males on the other hand are worth no more than normals, and many breeders actually let their possible het albino males go as normals to pet stores. There's a lot of normal males in people's homes that are actually carrying the albino gene and they have no idea about it. The reasoning is why sell a snake that has the potential to make albinos for $25. Sell them as a normal to a pet store where they will most likely never be bred, and even if they are they will probably never have the chance to express the gene.
With the females, my point was I'd rather keep them and breed them to an albino to see if they are het as opposed to selling them for $100 or so, which as 66% hets is pretty much all they would bring.
If I keep them and they turn out not to be het, I still have a couple more breeder females, and if they are het then I'm making more albinos with no extra investment other than time and rats.