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Old 02-03-2003, 12:38 PM   #3
Not hard to guess which one got my vote

I have recently returned to herp keeping after nearly 20 years of abstinence. I told myself years ago that I would only keep snakes again if it was a ETB or GTP.

I've kept normal phase retics, burmese, balls, and redtail boas (unknown locale) in addition to wc local species of kingsnakes, gophers. As an animal services officer I had the pleasure of relocating 100's of local rattlers to areas that weren't quite as heavily populated by humans.

I love keeping my GTPs and am fascinated by nearly everything about them. Their innate beauty, the wide variety of color possibilities, the way they live their lives on display just begging to be observed. I only have two currently.... have a feeling that will change as opportunities arise..... but have found them both to be quite easy keepers contrary to my initial fear.