FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Late '06 amel and double het normals
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Old 10-20-2006, 12:47 PM   #37
Originally Posted by jaxom1957
Yet another "guilt by association" smear.

Please cite any post of mine that makes unsupported claims or offers testimonials supporting known scammers. What you will find are posts in which I invite users to post evidence to support their claims, and in which I post the evidence I believe provides doubt. As I am doing no business on this forum, your point is moot, but I will lose little sleep over losing the future opportunity to trade with someone so quick to brand me guilty of imagined offenses.
If I beat you to death with the evidence, which is apparently what is necessary to get you to see what is plain and simple, then you won't be alive enough to appreciate how wrong you were.

So, I'll just let you go with this, my final opinion on your opinion.
