FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - my christmas snake (fell on me)
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Old 11-30-2006, 09:14 PM   #15
Kevin, congrats on your new critter! And while I USUALLY have a policy about not paying for rescues, in this situation, I would have done the same. They are not breeding them, nor looking to get more and turn a profit....so you do what you have to do. I once paid a ridiculous amount of money for a horse that was so starved she could barely stand up....but that's another story, lol.

Sounds like you are doing well with him, the only concern I would have is when you said you gave him a "HOT" bath. When you bathe a snake, water that feels barely lukewarm is more than warm enough....you would be surprised what the actual water temp is if you measured it. Our body temp being 98 degrees, water that feels warm to us is most likely well over 100 degrees and too warm for the snake.