FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - my christmas snake (fell on me)
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Old 11-30-2006, 11:23 PM   #17
hey, yea well david i was going to rescue him but i couldnt without coughing up the cash... btw after his bath tonight he started breathing bad. I dont know if the heat and warth is loosening up mucus in him or what but he sounds like a human who has flim caught in the throat. and his nose is pouring snot and i cant get it to stop and foamy white spit is bubbling out of his mouth like he is blowing spit bubbles.. did all this happen from a 97 degree bath>?? i thought the heat was good for him??? i hope i didnt do anything wrong. Now he is laying under his heat lamp sneezing. a cold maybe? I hope its nothing more serious cause im about broke... um he is hissing alot to, pretty much none stop and not at me, just ALL the time, even when he moves and im lookin in threw the window... i dont know what to do. If theres anything i need to do to make him ok tell me