FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Shrillomn, a brief expose
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Old 12-05-2006, 08:51 PM   #84
Mike Greathouse
Originally Posted by Wilomn
Well, as for credibility, I'll consider the source here. Guess what? I've got more folks on ignore.
Wes, My first inclination was to send this via PM, but I know your preference to have everything out in the open. With that said:

Consider the source?

Wes, There aren't very many people that can be considered more credible then John Schmitt. True, he's taken a couple of pot shots at you, but in all honesty, they have been deserved.

In my opinion, you have the ability to be one of the leaders of this site. Those times when you use your knowledge to help others here, you are a very impressive individual. I have handed you karma points more then once for your efforts. However, you seem to go from brilliant posts to nonsense at the blink of an eye.

I agree with John that the ahahaha comments have run out of gas and I think that they diminish your credibility and do not accurately portray your intelligence. I would much prefer to see you lead others by example and pass on all of the knowledge that you have acquired in this hobby.

Don't allow yourself to be baited. Take the high road.