FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - shady Andy from nerd strikes again
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Old 12-07-2006, 10:33 AM   #7

You have to be kidding!?

You called Zoo Creatures, you traded with Zoo Creatures, I work for NERD.

First off, I originally talked on the phone with you and told you to come down, But the trade itself was done by another employee, not me. I talked to you on the phone when I was passing through the pet store, just to help out because the employees downstairs in the pet store were busy.

Second we never had a set time for you to be there so how would I know when to be there when you got there?? If you were so concerned with the wait it would have been very easy to set up a time when we could have expected you, which you did not.

Third, I told you multiple times on the phone after you left with the hypo to come back and it would be taken care of, you kept asking if you could get the other hypo female, I told you I didn't think that would be a problem, but it is up to the discretion of the people downstairs, because I don't work downstairs, someone else is in charge of the reptile room and any trades that will happen.

I told you it was up to their discretion multiple times on the phone Eric!!

You then asked if I would be around or if I was going to be in and out, I told you I would be in and out and there was a good chance I wouldn't be around.

Fourth, you need to learn how to sex snakes! The hypo female you traded for was absolutely a female! Multiple people sexed that snake after you brought it back. I sexed it personally after you brought it back, probed it and popped it.

I am more then willingly to sex that snake in front of you! The snake you traded for was 100% a female! When you called, I figured maybe a mistake was made on our part and we will make it right. But it was all YOUR mistake! You mis-sexed the snake. Then you through a temper tantrum downstairs saying that I am hiding upstairs?! Please....... What was I hiding from Eric? I was doing my job. I work for NERD. You were dealing with Zoo Creatures.

Your more then welcome to come back in and have any employee sex that boa for you and prove to you that you got what you traded for. I will do it personally if you want.

Let me know, just make sure we set up an appointment, so I can make sure I am there.

Why didn't you call me like you said you were going to when you were having your tantrum downstairs?? I would have been more then happy to explain this to you over the phone.

Long story short,

You came in because you wanted something different then the snake you had.

You left with a snake that was a good trade in your mind for the animal you brought it.

You wasted your time and gas coming back because you don't know how to sex a boa! That is certainly not my fault. If you don't know how to sex a snake maybe it would be best if you didn't pretend that you did....

Andy Deitz

I'm sorry that you wasted your day and that your unhappy but it wasn't because of a mistake made by us