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Old 12-22-2006, 12:57 PM   #9
thanks guys and gals.....and all herp junkies out there. Its hard to believe how much we really do rely on each other for help. We have moved him into a quiet dark place with a little sunlight each day, but away from our 7 year old's play areas. I picked him up yesterday to clean up what the mouse had pooped and peed, and he was very active, wanted to get out of my hands as quick as possible, etc. He moves like lightening on the floor, I had a hard time snapping those pics of him. As for the mice and keeping them alive, I do have a mouse cage and I did keep these ones alive for about a week, but they stink to high heaven no matter how much you clean their cages, and its winter here so I can't keep them outside or in a shed with heat lamps. Minus 30 deg. celsius is just too cold. I could probably just keep the one in there at a time instead of two or more. It wouldn't be that bad then. I have one alive in there right now awaiting it's fate. They sure love ritz crackers. ANYBODY HAVE ANY THOUGHTS ON WHY MY BP HASN'T GAINED ANYTHING IN THE 8 MONTHS I'VE HAD HIM ON A TRIPLED DIET? IT BAFFLES ME. IS IT POSSIBLE HES STUNTED FROM BEING STARVED FOR 6 YEARS MAYBE? IS HE JUST MEANT TO BE A SMALL SNAKE? I HAVE JUST NOT COME UP WITH A GOOD REASON FOR HIM TO NOT GAIN ANYTHING ON TWELVE MICE A MONTH UP FROM TWO PER MONTH. HE SHOULD HAVE DOUBLED HIS WEIGHT BY NOW EASILY.