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Old 12-22-2006, 08:27 PM   #6
I have no idea what you are talking about. You got what you paid for, and you paid for what I promised. It's been over a year, and this is the first thing Iv'e heard about it. Unless it has something to do with the fact that I know you are pissed off because I won't sell you any more snakes. That sounds about right. You can't get what you want, so come in here and make me look bad. If you had any kind of problem whatsoever, you should have said so a long time ago! But you are the proverbial procrastinater so,...Only now after I refused to sell you any more snakes are you trying to make me look bad.

As far as me posting here, go complain to Rick. Have him pull my membership. Until then, I have the right to exorsise my right to free speech. And I will do so, at my discretion.

And this gal made her own mess. If you would like to take her side, perhaps you two would like to get together. I think you'd make a nice couple! Why don't you buy her snakes?!!!

Now slam me all you want, but remember,...the door swings both ways! Adios,