FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Rocky Seems Sick
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Old 01-04-2007, 10:33 AM   #9
I got him a 10 gallon tank, have the UTH on only about a 1/4 of it, and have kept the heat lamp off. I rinsed him off with water, to remove any left over mite spray. And I held him over his water bowl, and I think when he flicked his tongue, he got some water. I also added more hiding places for him.

I have not seen any mites on him for 3 days now.

When should I try to feed him again? And hopefully he will eat the pinkie... not the bag!

Anyway, yes, he is a Coastal Rosy. I will buy him a larger aquarium when he gets bigger!

Here is a picture of him:

Is there anything else that I can do for him? I still need to buy aspen bedding & a thermometer for the cage. I will try to get to the pet store today. For now, I just have the paper towels as bedding.