FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Warning Points System Mod
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Old 01-22-2007, 12:40 PM   #83
Golden Gate Geckos
"New" Business 101

Originally Posted by WebSlave
I would have given the points myself but figured I would leave that for others to do so I could initiate testing on the system.
Originally Posted by WebSlave
If you don't like or don't believe my reasons, then that is your problem.
I realize that Fauna is a business... for Rich, that is. I am a business owner myself, and I know that it can be a real headache at times. It comes with the territory. I can also understand trying to find solutions for getting rid of the headache. But, the headache is MINE, because I am the owner of the business. But, I would never dream of charging my customers to deal with my headache!

When you run a business, the customers become your employer... they provide the paycheck. Customers are not employees. A business is only successful if the customers are satisfied with the product and service they receive. If they aren't, they will take go elsewhere. Would I tell a dissatisfied customer to pack their bags? No. I might think it, but I would not say it.

The members here at Fauna are just that... members. But, if they provide Rich's paycheck for HIS business, they become customers. The only difference is that Fauna's "customers" are being charged not only for the product, but to run the business, too. Fauna's customers are paying to be employees to alleviate the boss's headache.

As a business owner, normally it would be eventual suicide to deliberately create dissent among the employees. Not in the case of Fauna, though. Dissent equals 'Fauna Drama', and with each page read, with each post, with each spell-check, the boss gets paid from the rotating advertisements. Fauna employees actually PAY for the extra responsibility of doing the boss's job instead of being paid for it!
