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Old 01-22-2007, 12:59 PM   #88
Originally Posted by WebSlave
Sorry, but you have completely dodged the issue I brought up.

No, I have not EARNED this position at all. I just started this site. I got the idea, put together the nuts and bolts of this idea, and launched it. No one voted me into it, nor did I in any way earn the ownership or admin rights to it. As for the site mods, there was no public voting on who I selected for the job. I asked THEM if they would help me. Same as I am asking the Benefactor and Endowment level members to help me now. There is absolutely NO difference at all.

So again, WHY are the drawbacks you now claim those Benefactor and Endowment level members are subject to when they help US to moderate this site not also applicable to myself, Jay, Dennis, and Ken? It has nothing at all to do with a "category", it has to do with the JOB being asked to be done here by MOST of you.

Oh Rich, don't take anything that I have said as indicating that you are exempt from the same "penalties." You're not that special.

However, you chose to create this site and therefore you agreed to accept the responsibilities. However, for your own personal reasons, you want to pass those responsibilities onto others. That's fine however, I would like to believe that you respect your own site enough to "qualify" the new owners vs making it based solely upon them paying for the privilege.

Some of these individuals, in my humble opinion, have a hard enough time monitoring themselves vs being given the ability to monitor this site. And some of THOSE individuals come across to me as being rather clueless when putting together what the actual cost of this responsibility is.
