FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - brian foster, bcfos, LIAR
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Old 02-03-2007, 11:15 AM   #39
Originally Posted by Chameleon Company
One more "last post" manifesto ?
Highly doubtful Jim. Histrionic people like attention to much to allow something to go.

Originally Posted by Chameleon Company
All due respect Wes, and there is always some due, but maybe he should have just gone after your personal life ? Ex-wife ? Past marital difficulties ? That would be "like a man"? Or is that not a "chimp flinging poo"? So you "work hard to tell the truth" ? Try a little harder, as your difficulties there are also documented in this thread.
Could have sunk to wes's level but that would make me feel like I needed a shower every 3 minutes. Granted there is a lot of "garbage" one could post about him, but why bother. Everyone has a lot of past issues with either ex's or kids going wrong and becoming "bad kids", or even forgetting to flush the toliet one time at some gas station because you couldn't bring yourself to touch the handle. Does that bring anything except worthless drivel to the board? No.. Some people just bring up their points with solid based facts. Others tend to throw "crap" around that seems to be made up in their sick little twisted minds. I prefer the factual approach.

Originally Posted by Chameleon Company
To those that want to characterize the theme here as a Brian - Wes spat, not all of us see it that way. It was an outgrowth of another Wes-against-the-world spat in the warning points thread. Yes, Wes may be able to contribute good reptile info at times. That is not what he is known for here. Make a mental list of the five "greatest rivalries" that you recall in Fauna. How many of the five is Wes half of ? That's what he is known for, and it was not a reputation built on a disagreement with Brian. Blame any number of people who occupy the other half of those contests, but the pattern is clear. In every case its Wes with the name-calling, stupidity, childishness ..... not Wes just posting level-headed critiques when someone swooped in on him. Hard to write that with a straight face even If he can't take the heat, then he can get his butt out of the kitchen ...... seems he's getting more of a shove of late.

Top five huh?? Got a point there I never thought of. Alas I only can think of the Neil/wes one off the top of my head, but I am sure there were many others I may have either missed or just ignored (like wes)..