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Old 02-04-2007, 07:10 AM   #31
Originally Posted by sounds1
I am gary hedger wife yes at one time he was with this girl- but she knows nothing about the snakes i know more and i know that the female het is well worth more than a normal red tailed boa and i know you know this so please don't give her your snake plus because i dont think she knows how to take care of them and plus i think she killed one of them that was pregnant- she couldnt be sold due to she is too big and you have to have a special permit to be carrying across state lines and anywhere because she was a full grown red-tailed boa- please if you know how she is selling my snakes please notify me - im gary hedgers wife and i live right here in indiana and i can talk to him and he is in jail here in indiana not virginia- " i need your help she is a scam person who know nothing and if i find out who she sells them because i have documentation from a judge that the snakes were suppose to be given to me because we were going through a divorce now we are not- if you dont trust me - you can ask me anything and i can you please feel free to email me at brknangl07@hotmail.com or my husbands new email because of her he changed it = its sounds121@hotmail.com. or you can call me at (219)841-9006 my name is martha but you can call me marty...

So sorry to hear she may have killed the poor snake . I hope you are able to find them and return custody to the rightful owner. Good luck.