FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - question about seasonal fasting....
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Old 02-15-2007, 11:11 AM   #3
Most D. couperi, both male and female, will fast throughout the winter months, whether they are breeding or not, though there are some that will continue feeding. The fasting period is normal behavior and is not cause for alarm. Females will normally begin feeding ravenously immediately post oviposition and males generally start feeding again in early march, as do females which haven't reproduced.
Personally, I continue offering small prey items throughout the breeding season on a weekly basis, but you can also watch for them to begin cruising their enclosures in search of prey, as they inevitably will, and offer food at that time. If you watch them closely, long enough and often enough, you will begin to pick up on their behavior and they will communicate many of their needs to you…

Best regards,
