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Thread: Veiled
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Old 02-19-2007, 05:50 PM   #8

I love chams! In fact so much so that I am thinking of getting more. They are amazing to watch.
I also use gut loaded crickets and mealies along with some greens. I use paper towels for the most part (plain white), for me it is just easier to clean up daily then once a week I take out everything to give a good cleaning. I went to walmart and just got one of their fake trees and took off the branch parts with the leaves cleaned them and use them. I also have an outdoor encloser for them to go into in the summer, I make sure they have shade and sun out there and they decide where they want to be.
I never thought I would find peace for long periods of time just watching like I do with fish UNTIL I got my first cham. The eyes, tail, the way they move and tongues, they are amazing creatures.
If you decide to get one and admired them in the past I am sure you will get even more mesmorized by them in person