FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Mods who are SOOOOO smart they don't even have to read the guidelines
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Old 02-27-2007, 05:21 PM   #63
Originally Posted by mcgrath5860
I am not real sure why you would not be tempted UNTIL NOW. Could it be I actually asked questions that may need to be answered? May shed light on a bigger problem? May actually give us lowly members and actual account of what the moderators are doing or what they may not be doing? How many threads are there on this site that we need such heavy moderation on one or two threads that have large viewer response? Or does it just come back to what I have always said in the beginning. Bloody waters bring plenty of sharks
Actually, the until now was not capitalized when I wrote it. I edited my post to include that phrase because it seemed silly for me to say that I had neither posted nor even been tempted to issue a warning, when in fact I WAS posting. I stuck it at the end of the phrase, instead of splitting it (and saying that I hadn't posted until now) because it was easier at the time and I was hurriedly trying to tie up a loose end so I could log off the computer. As such, I will agree that my phrasing was a bit off, and could have been confusing. As for the majority of your other questions - no. (except the blood in the water thing, that one is obvious) It's that simple. But just for you, I will make a log of every page that I view, how many times, and what my thoughts are on each of them for the next 12hrs...you can analyze it, and post your interpretations. If it proves to be as useless as I suspect, I hope you have the good sense to admit it