FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Mods who are SOOOOO smart they don't even have to read the guidelines
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Old 02-27-2007, 09:00 PM   #74
Originally Posted by DaveyFig
Wes, I know you aren't saying it, but to me (and I am only speaking for myself)...Man, it is hard to type a response to someone who is going to tip toe and twist everything you say...Anyway, back on track, It sounds like you might be implying that you disrespect people (I know you only speak respectfully when you think someone deserves it) as part of a game. You are doing it, not for the thrill of the hunt, but to watch someone you feel is beneath you chase you. Fun Times!
Seriously though, if the new "mods" can only ding you once a day, how much "hunting and sniffing" really has to be done to find you belittling someone, Antagonizing someone, using profanity or otherwise being Wes, to ding you ONCE A DAY!

I thought you were above that, but if you are indeed "playing your own game", perhaps I was wrong. This bothers me man, but you're probably going to get a kick out of reading that too. After all, we are all your pawns.

You know what makes me think you are not "playing your own game?" I could hear your chest thumping all the way up here in Exeter when you thought you had "stuck it to the man" making this post about Chris. The arm flailing in the middle was a little over-dramatic if you were playing a part too. And the end..."It's only $50"...For only double that you could be you could be swinging the sword that you seem to think a few are swinging wrong. You could have a lot more fun with a game that way. SO why not?

I don't think this was a game. I THINK you were wrong.
Interesting perspective.