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Thread: Tampa Show
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Old 03-21-2003, 12:25 PM   #46
Darin Chappell
I disagree. Given the situation at hand (new vendor, etc.) and that he had apparently done nothing BUT complain all through the show, I would have reacted much as Tony had. Unless I misread the emails (and that's possible), Ben appears to have been every bit as antaognistic and condescending in his correspondance as he claimed Tony had been to him.

All in all, I think was a tempest in a teacup and should have been left alone between these two individuals to handle as they saw fit. However, since Ben brought it to the BOI (however the actual path it took came to fruition) and posted it for everyone to see, I have to say that I think less of Ben's whining and complaining at every turn than I do of Tony's providing free lunch and approximately 5,000 potential customers per day!

I'm truly sorry you lost your animals, Ben. All in all, a sad situation, really.