FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Wanted: Adult Mexican Black Kingsnakes and an Adult Male Albino Cal King.
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Old 05-02-2007, 01:57 PM   #4
Hi! I have a s/s 7 year old Black Mex that fit your needs. He's handlable, eats like a horse, and starting to musk around for a girlfriend. He's about 6.5', captive bred, and parasite free. I call him 'Dante', but he'll always answer to 'mouse?' (LOL)
Anyway, if you're interested, let me know; I also have a hand-built custom cage appropro for more arboreal species; moving from WA to NE )( divorce-eww) has seriously curtailed my herping! You can write me at isosatori2@yahoo.com. Good luck!