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Old 05-03-2007, 11:26 PM   #70
critical bill
I was going to say something...but I forgot.

Originally Posted by Wilomn
I thought the King had discretion in the amount of points he awarded for various slights and offenses. I KNOW I got some doosies but I just figured it was because the King didn't want to seem to favor me, even though we all know he does, deep down inside where he's all soft and squishy, where that heart that's 3 sizes too small does it's lazy lub dub every 8 to 10 seconds, just as it always has, feeding power and oxygen to that wonderful brain that makes all of this so very personal and fun and brings such joy to lives of so very many who would otherwise simply sit and rot like last weeks vegetables where there not such a place and such a King to provide such a place and in such provision prevent all of us from becoming the vegetative slush that we are only a few days of rotting in the sun away from.

All Hail the King.