FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Captive Hatched Harlequins?????????????
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Old 06-06-2007, 04:37 PM   #53
Originally Posted by Mark Schmidtke
I particularily like the harlequins that display a lot of that side pattern that looks somewhat like dripping paint. I've noticed that most of the ones called harlequins display some of this pattern, but I haven't seen any yet that display this all the way down both sides. I think it would be fun to work with these just for that trait alone.

I'm going to have to agree with ya!

I think that Harlequins, as normal as they may seem to some. Are Beautiful animals that we'll probably see alot more crosses with in the future. I can't wait to find out what the final verdict will be on the genetics and if they can prove it later on to be co-dom. If it does prove out later to be a co-dominant gene I think alot of people will change their minds about them and you'll see more around...

I think that it would be fun and an incredible experience to buy a pair of Funky CH animals... Raise them up... Breed them... and just see what happens! Forget about the $, Forget about whether your going to produce the next big thing and how much you can capitolize on it...

I think alot of people have really kind of lost the whole idea and passion of this Hobby... It seems like alot of people these days just aren't really about the dirty work of proving morphs, taking a chance with something or just seeing what comes out of 2 cool looking animals without knowing a definite answer on what the outcome will be... $$$ wise & Genetics...

Just think how rediculous a super pastel harlequin would look!