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Thread: Inbreeding
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Old 06-25-2007, 01:31 PM   #126
Valley Dragons
Originally Posted by Saladragon
Evidently, you missed the posts by both Wendy and I. Either that or you're one of the ones that believes we killed them with our husbandry.

Nobody said anything about hey, why don't you tell us how important you think Adenovirus is. WE KNOW how important it is. WE LIVE IT.

So if you want to spout crap about how insignificant it is, you might want to do it to people who might believe you.
I've questioned the people involved, and I get evasive answers. I find it interesting that the dragons were not really thoroughly tested for other causes of death by a trained reptile vet (at least that was what I have been told by at least one of the people involved). Adenovirus was found - but what evidence is their that adeno was the cause of death? That's like finding someone dead, doing a few random tests, finding a cold sore, and assuming that the person died of herpes simplex 1. I for one prefer to base my opinions on facts not assumptions.
