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Old 04-10-2003, 07:26 PM   #84
Question Telemarketers

Well I've been on both ends of the phone line and quite frankly was embarrassed when I was on the "dry calling" end of it.

I get, and this is not an exaggeration, 10 telemarketers calling a day. I tell everyone, take me off your list, but it doesn't end there, I have to then hear their take me off your list speech and agree and then be told it'll take a while yadayada... then 2 weeks later I'm still getting calls from the same place.

I do have caller ID, caller ID anonymous call rejection, call screen and the like, each of which is costing me $3.50 to have. I also had something called privacy manager, which actually worked for the telemarketers, but most of my family couldn't get through, so we cancelled that.

My most recent telemarketer said, they want to send something free, and then added they would send some info regarding long distance service. I told them I didn't want the long distance service but if they want to send free stuff ok fine. Well I though that was the end. Until I check my bank statement 2 weeks later and have a $60 charge. I won't even begin to tell you what I had to go through to find out who this charge came from. Well surprise surprise, it's from that little telemarketer who called the other day. I NEVER GAVE THEM MY CREDIT CARD!!! I finally talk to someone and they tell me, oh we have your card on file!!! Mind you I've never even heard of this company. Needless to say, I flipped out told them to take my number off their list, and give me my money. Oh well that was another ordeal!!! I finally filed fraud charges and got my money back.

Situation like this are why many react the way they do to telemarketers, like I said, I've been on both sides and have to say was very disappointed in the way it works.