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Old 07-30-2007, 03:27 PM   #12
He is on a 14 hour on and 10 hour off cycle, I read it in the care book my husband bought for me, and numerous places online that it should be that, I kept his heat lamp on all night last night because the thermometer wasn't registering properly, but I figured out why and fixed it. So I'll feel better turning it off tonight. I did have a night time light on for him last night too, but I'll turn it off tonight then since we keep it no cooler than 80 degrees in our apartment anyway, and he's in a good spot in the room away from vents, so his tank shouldn't fall below 70 degrees F at the most.

Ok, took notes on the types of worms, and he loves his crickets, so I'll def. be sticking with those. No worms from back yard, also noted. Almost positive nobody around our side uses pesticides, but I see your point, there is farm land across the street on one side of the subdivision.

The light is also noted. I will check mine after my 2 year old gets up from her nap, I don't want to wake her too early. (He stays in her room, hee hee)

Thank you so much for the help on all of this. I just want to make sure he stays healthy. Will I need a bigger tank once he hits adulthood? He's in a 50 gallon now, I had measurements at one point in time, but will have to re-take them also later today.

Also, do you know of a good exotic pet health insurance to go through? I want to make sure I have something for him just in case. But can only find ones that'll cover minor things not major.