FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - My First Beardie
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Old 07-30-2007, 10:28 PM   #14
The stamp on the bulb is worn away to where I can't read it. So, yeah, I'm def. going to replace it in the next week, hopefully sooner.

How long until he reaches full grown size? I figure him to be about 9-10 weeks at the oldest right now because according to my research, you can't sell a baby beardie until they are 6 weeks and 6 inches long. I'm just trying to get a rough idea about how long it'll be before I have to replace his tank.

I had my husband buy some collard greens and some worms from the store today. The worms were kinda long, so I cut them in half. Tobias wouldn't touch them or the greens. I don't get it.....I went to a place earlier today where I know for a fact there are no chemicals used for acres and such and got some crickets from there for now. He has enough to last him until next time I can get to the store. Any other ideas on how to get him to eat his greens?

He chows down on the crickets, but even with calcium dust and gut loading, I know it's not enough for him.