FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - My First Beardie
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Old 08-01-2007, 11:26 PM   #19

Hello Amber,

Great you are going to get his new screen top & new light this weekend. That should help out alot.
Definitely no heat rocks. They are not safe. However, you could get slate tiles & stack them as they tend to hold heat pretty well, or a brick & build a little basking platform for him. Bricks hold heat well too.
Good you caught little cricket! They can bite so you have to round them up daily to make sure none sleep in the tank with him.
Ok, so the cool side doesn't get above 85 or so? That is fine. As long as his basking is up to 105 or above, he should have plenty of heating. Lighting is very important for them. Great if he loves being outside too though as there is nothing as good as the sunlight! Watch out for birds & other predators.
It sounds like you are getting everything under control now. He sounds very happy too.
