FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - New Mountain Horned Dragon... questions.
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Old 08-20-2007, 08:03 PM   #26


I posted on your other topic as well. I just wondered if you had counts on each thing or not?
You need to weigh out the options as to what you want to treat. We are talking 3 different drugs to take for your female dragon & 3 or more for your MHD. That is alot & pretty harsh on the system.
As I said in your other thread, let me know what you decide to do & I can help you figure out what you want to do.
If your female dragon is not showing signs of sickness so much to the point that she wont eat, etc, then you don't absolutely have to take her into the vet. However, I can give you information on getting the necessary drugs. I don't condone self medicating most of the time because so much can go wrong. At least you have gotten a fecal done though so we know what they are afflicted with instead of just guessing. They can be dosed according to their weight.
Think about what you would like to do & let me know. I am sure that Angie could probably help with dosing as well. We are here to help you!
