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Thread: Sleeping Dragon
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Old 08-23-2007, 12:47 AM   #3
Originally Posted by Drache613

Hm, well, some adult dragons do start to slow down & start wanting to cool down in middle august to late august & september timeframe.
What is his size lengthwise & his weight? You have to take that into consideration regarding his fatpads, his hydration status, etc. So he had a clear fecal at the vets then? That is good news then, no problems there.
What are you measuring the temps with currently? A stick on thermometer, or a digital probe or a temp gun?
Really, you could increase the basking temps to 95-105, but no higher as adults normally don't like it as hot as babies do. The cool side could actually be a bit cooler, say 78-82 just to ensure the ambient temps don't get too much. They need a definite hot spot & a definite cool spot to thermoregulate. Do you have a bright white basking light such as a halogen or daytime bulb in there for basking? What about your UVB source, what type & brand is it? That can make a huge difference.
How do his eyes look sunk in or bright? How does his skin look, is it tight, or a bit wrinkly?
Do you know what type of living conditions he came from?
This may very well be a brumation phase, but let's go over your husbandry & setup just to make sure everything is all setup correctly for him to rule everything else out first. We don't want him to brumate if there are other reasons he is acting this way. If your setup seems to be in order, then, we will discuss putting him into brumation or letting him brumate. It is hard to fight nature, when they want to brumate, there usually isn't a whole lot that will stop them!! LOL

Thanks for the reply. Temps are taken with a digital probe. Basking source is a Zoomed Repti Basking bulb. UVB not sure on the brand...2 small fluorescent tubes, looks like a Zoomed ReptiSun.

His eyes actually look good, bright and alert when they are open. Skin looks tight, his actual weight not sure, don't have a gram scale yet, length is 17".
Not sure on the type of living conditions he came from.

Actually today we woke up for a few and moved about his cage and was basking for 10mins or so. After that went back into the same old sleeping on the cool side...not active, not basking.
