FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Has this ever happened to you,,?
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Old 04-22-2003, 01:58 PM   #61
Golden Gate Geckos
Seamus might have been a bit hard on the beaver because of his passion for all of us that keep animals [herps]
John, perhaps you are unaware that I am also "all of us that keep animals [herps]"

let me ask you all this do you want someone [with athority] coming into your house [going on hearsay from perhaps a neighbor or some one you ticked off] and raiding your whole collection because they said it was un sanitory or they said you have protected animals?????????????????]
John, NONE of us want our collections raided, and I have a sneaking suspicion that is exactly what Seamus is afraid of... after reading through his home page I am forming the opinion he probably does keep illegal and/or vemomous herps. In his AOL profile, he says his hobbies are snake anti-venom! If that is the case, then it is reptile keepers like him that break the law that are responsible for all of the legistature, NOT a concerned Leopard Gecko breeder who reports a deplorable situation the the management in a Petco store.

To quote Seamus himself:
The obvious response to my above comments is to state that they are a worst case scenario and the likelhood of those events occuring as stated is so minute as to be disregarded...
While it's unlikely that it would reach that point, the sole reason that it might be stopped is because there are good, knowledgeable and honest herpers out there who will fight against the proposed advances of anti-animal legislation tooth and nail
In the unlikely event that something like that would happen, I would be right there fighting with the other honest herpers.

I do NOT think that what Marcia did is going to send my to close my blinds and lock my doors because the animal police are coming my way.
Thanks! I am not worried about that either!

everything he is saying is based on the verbage that since Marcia did this we will all have jack-booted government investigators at our doors if our permits arent filled out or the bearded dragon is on your shoulder.
Exactly! I really had no clue just how powerful I am! If I am so instrumental in changing the country's legislature on owning reptiles, it would seem to me that people like Seamus would be doing everything in his power to butter me up and get on my "good-guy' list instead of calling me "a liar, stupid, evil, a very bad person, in the same camp as PETA, HSUS and that wretched... word that isn't allowed... Kraplin, ignorant, a PeTA style lunatic, a rabid drooling anti-human pro-money activist, identical to Kaplan, deceitful, a lying, two faced psuedoherper, spouter of meaningless drivel, rabid fanatical sign waving, deviant socio-political, the antithesis of what's good for the industry, and foolish" (to name a few.)

I find it interesting that Seamus is allowed to continue to verbally abuse and attack me, and others in different threads on Fauna, without receiving any 'points' for his behavior like anyone else would for lesser offenses. I have had several emails and private messages from forum members that are reluctant to post anything because of Seamus' continued abuse of anyone he disagrees with. These forum members (including myself) have attempted to report his antagonism to the the moderators without any action being taken.

Personally, I feel that this entire Fauna website that Rich has so deepley been comitted to is detremented from funtioning the way it could by inhibiting it's members from being active in it by allowing people like Seamus to behave the way they do.