FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Status check on health of this site.
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Old 10-30-2007, 06:50 PM   #46
Laura Fopiano
Rich, this site is one of the very few places where censorship and out of control moderation is not an issue. We can speak our minds, with out the fear of having a post deleted because of the possibility of stepping on the "big boys" toes.

The BOI has saved many, many people a lot of heart ache and at times has brought some really great entertainment. There is truly nothing better when a real bad guy has a melt down, when refunds are issued, and the men and women who bring them to justice, do so, because of you.

Rich, you took a risk that many at the time probably thought you were crazy for doing so. That risk not only paid off, but has brought many people together and has managed to bring about some pretty amazing friendships.

Had it not been for Fauna, I would never have met the friends that I have now, not just fly by night friends, but real men and women whom I love and talk to by phone regularly. We plan outings together, spend week ends together, and have forged relationships with each other that in many cases will last my life time.

The man that I will spend my life with, I met here, all of the important people in my life, I met here, and it's because of you

Rich, you have not only given this industry a safe place to check out other sellers, buyers, and business dealings, you have given reptiles a voice through their human advocates. You have given all of us who frequent here a great gift.

Thank You Rich!