FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Hate it OR Love it...
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Old 12-28-2007, 09:39 PM   #24
Originally Posted by DJSlurp1200
He's 950g's and has already proven to me that he's not shooting blanks by giving me a fertile clutch and great odds! (5 out of 6 pastels!)
Why such a positive post Jen? Think trying to take cheap shots on a snake forum is going to possibly heighten your coolness factor or maybe even make people want to buy snakes from you even more? Were you the kid in highschool that got picked on everyday so now that your behind a computer screen on a snake forum you feel the need to randomly post smart remarks? So that maybe you could come off cool like a few others in the ball community that already do enough to make us ball python folks look cocky, arrogant and greedy enough. It's no wonder why theres alot of great herpers and breeders that stay out of the Ball community simply so they can avoid people like you.

Actually to correct you on your grammer and spelling... If you look up at the top of the window the title of the thread is "Hate it OR Love it..." the "title" of the thread implies no question at all considering the fact that there is no question mark after the title. If you look close enough there are three little periods which actually lead you into the first sentence of my post.

I asked the group to refrain from any negative comments about hybrids because I didn't want this thread... like many to go on into a 120 page tug of war about whether the community on the forum agreed with hybrids or not. I just simply asked... and I did say please!

That's your opinion that your entitled to. You as well as others may not agree or see ANYTHING exciting about this at all... However there are a few that do!
Did you lag bolt the chip to your shoulder before or after you started this thread?

Judging by the title , you knew this thread could turn confrontational. I'm sure everyone thought it was nice that you asked them to not say anything if they didn't agree with your breeding plans. If you want them to take it seriously , you may want to not find an attack that doesn't exist. Jen's posts were far from what you claim they are. Maybe you should step back and think a bit more before responding. So far the only person here defending anything would be you from the imaginary " non hybrid " army.