FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Burmese Python Care Sheet v. 2.0 - Thank you, Harald Moore and Fauna Classifieds!
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Old 01-04-2008, 05:00 PM   #1
Burmese Python Care Sheet v. 2.0 - Thank you, Harald Moore and Fauna Classifieds!

This incorporates some suggestions made by Harald Moore regarding the legal status of Burms in many jurisdictions. While I suspect he might have worded the cautions more strongly than I did, I hope this addresses some of his (very valid) concerns.

I've also mentioned the Board of Inquiry as a good resource for people looking to buy Burms: while it does occasionally devolve into flamewars and personal sniping, it's still an excellent place to learn more about the history and reputation of a breeder.

All comments greatly appreciated. I may be putting this on its own domain soon, but thought I'd get some expert commentary before going live. I'm particularly interested in:

* possible alternatives to Burms, for people who want a big snake but who can't keep a Burm. I am thinking of Bloods and Suriname BCCs; any other suggestions would be welcome.

* pictures of various Burm morphs. I will provide proper attribution to these, and upon request link them to your homepage or any other page you request.

Thanks for your time and your comments.