FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Acrylic Bird Cages (Claims they make reptile cages) STAY AWAY
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Old 03-15-2008, 02:14 AM   #4
As you can see the black frame that is supposed to hold the screen is half an inch too long and almost half an inch too wide to even come close to being flush with the cut out making the pre-drilled holes not even come close to lining up with the frame. I had to do this for multiple cages but as you see from the pics I had to re-drill multiple holes in the side and back pieces to make them line up with the corner posts. I also forgot to mention that the instructions Eric sent me were not very thorough at all, as you can see they were written on a ripped off piece of cardboard box. I also forgot to mention that Eric did not send enough bolts to complete the cages either, and the latches he sent for the doors did not work as well. So I had to buy about another $80.00 of hardware from Lowes to even attempt to finish the cages. I may be mistaken, but in my personal opinion when someone spends over $1,000.00 on something like cages they should be at least responsible enough to send along enough pieces to finish building them and should take a little more time to maybe write the instructions on something beside a ripped off piece of cardboard. If you would like more pics or info I would be more than happy to provide them.

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