FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Analysis: Corucia ssp. integrades ?
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Old 04-02-2008, 07:22 AM   #2
Brian - LCRC
Addendum: Species demarcation based on viability

Leeway Corucia Research Center (LCRC)


On Species demarcation based on viability:

Among mammals of supposed different species classification, It appears that different species can straddle the fence in reproduction in that hybrids of say big cats and mules can be fertile if female. Males appear to always be infertile. However, accross the board, genetic problems are more widespread with hybrid animals. In one instance, A Tigon mother and her son both developed cancer and died. The son was the result of the tigon mated to a male tiger to produce a ti-tigon. Unlike the mother Tigon who spoke both tiger and lion, Her Ti-Tigon son, only spoke Tiger - as he was 3/4 's Tiger genetically.


Last edited by Brian - LCRC/L2 (Today 04:57:17)