FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - what happens to a pyro when you shake in a little kingcorn?
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Old 05-27-2003, 12:54 PM   #43
Exclamation nonscense allegations

What we are trying to say is that snakes are more closely related than previously believed. Why can we produce viable offspring when crossing your so-called species/genera lines?? I feel the taxonomy of snakes is wrong. You should NEVER be able to cross genra! yet a king corn exsists.

One of the biggest problems in this discussion is that the person who is attempting to debate the issue and performing these hybridizations has no idea about even basic genetics or taxonomy.
My understanding of genetics is pretty thorough. I have had many discussions with Terry Dunham on this subject and have learned what I can from websites like N.E.R.D. and from textbooks and hands on experience. I can't believe you would even imply that you have so much as a clue about how knowledged I am in the subject of genetics. Once again your assumptions are unfounded.

The way they are classified lampropeltis is the genus, no? As is Elaphae, 2 separate genera within a family right? To my understanding on paper crossing genera should be pretty far fetched I may be wrong but does that not show a flaw or lack of understanding in modern taxonomy? or is this a rare case where the "rules" don’t apply? Either way I’ve got unanswered questions and I don’t expect you to be able to answer them for me. My loose reference of genus/species/intergrade is due to the way I choose to view things at least in theory and isn't taxonomy based on theory anyway?

To say I’m unfamiliar with those basic taxonomy terms is preposterous.

An intergrade is the crossing of two sub-species or two separate locale specific animals within the same sub-species.

Locale specific (are you truly questioning my understanding of this term???) well Seamus it means that the origin of the animal can be pointed out on a map. Different people interpret what exactly designates weather two animals are from the same locale but the term itself is pretty strait forward.

and a hybrid is the crossing of two species.

So yes I do understand all of these terms.

Now that we got all that out of the way...

I’m tired of you pretending that I sit around throwing snakes together until one of em twitches. I do not. I practice selective breeding. Weather or not it is all for some greater scientific knowledge or not is irrelevant. However I believe that there are things to be learned through hybridization ALSO. You treat me like a con man. like I’m trying to get one over on the naeve herper. Well that’s bullsh*t. I work with snakes because I have a love and deep interest for them. My partners do as well. I don't know who you are or what you do but I have been crystal clear about what I do, what I’m about and what Diablo Snake Farm as a whole produces and believes. If not I will reiterate.

We work with gopher snakes, king/milk snakes, hognose, redtail boas, Jungle Carpet pythons, corn snakes ( the nice ones only, you have to have your standards) AND HYBRIDS. Our hybrid stock includes Pyro King Corns, Gray band snow corns, albino king corns and numerous work in progresses. We carry many locale specific gray bands like the Lajitas and River Road, and many locale specific Gopher Snakes and Hognose.

Gordon you are a funny little guy. You’re a cheerleader and nothing more. Why don't you focus on your bugs and pipe down. This is between Seamus and Diablo Snake Farm!

p.s. i was busy over memorial day weekend. i sometimes have better things to do. talking to you rarely takes priority.