FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - Decline of amphibians?
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Old 04-25-2008, 07:08 PM   #5
Laura Fopiano
The toads and frogs are what I love most about living in the south. Being that this is only my second spring living here, I haven't noticed a difference between this year and last year.

Well, there's a little more rain this year, but the creek bed was full of tad poles. Bry and I went out creek walkin on Tuesday. The water ways have changes drastically from last year at this time. The anoles are out in force, challenging me, head bobbing at me (gotta love a little lizard that wants to take on a human) i have also found several toads crossing the roads and in the yard. Hmmmmm it's raining and there's thunder......out to look for critters I go