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Thread: Adeno Thoughts
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Old 05-09-2008, 05:15 PM   #11
Valley Dragons
Originally Posted by Drache613

Well Anthony, such a fine example to bring to the board. First off, joining MY society, then lying & going behind my back about it after talking to other people saying that it is not a problem. I really am disappointed with how you have handled yourself. I have talked to several breeders, yes, larger breeders. I am not a phone person most of the time.
Go ahead & breed. I know all of you all are networking, etc, just to discredit me. I really don't care. If you want to continue to spread it, then there is nothing I can do.
Networking to discredit you? Is that really a fair statement? I mean, come on...it seems that YOU and a few others are trying to discredit all of us as breeders. You say we are uncaring, and only think about money. So can you really blame us if we decide to speak out against all the false adenovirus information being spread from forum to forum?

Yes, actually I have been in contact with several vets from Australia. Some have said there were a few cases, but nothing like here in the US.
Vets...such as...?

I will continue to try & educate & encourage those who want to test for the better of the species & health. Why do you not care about spreading disease, because of you pocketbook? That is a lame excuse.
There you go with that "pocketbook" argument again. Anyone who dishes out $1000's to test for a virus that is not even proven to cause disease, while he or she has a healthy colony of dragons, is an idiot. Pure and simple. What you are asking people to do defies logic. This is why you don't have more supporters.

Yes I actually do have documented tests from someone who has been testing negative for 2 years. They have been confirmed through Lou Ann so don't tell me what I do & do not have. I refuse to share my files because of the privacy. She has already been harrassed anyway so you have already gotten your way by shoving your biased views around.
Personally it is the other way around guys. You shove your views around to everyone else saying it is not a problem, when, it is.
I spend a great amount of time on foreign forums. The UK people do have it & some have had problems such as we have. They do not import as much as they did & they stopped having as many problems.
The larger breeders have everything to lose while I don't. I am not a breeder & don't stand to lose money off of breeder stock. Of course they will fight back. CheriS has been fighting a losing battle for awhile now & she gave up for the most part.
When I search for something, I don't stop until I get all of the answers. I have asked for participation from larger breeders so we can get more data. All I get is stabbed for requesting that people test. I will ask again. Why is everyone so scared of learning the truth & finding out more information on their colonies?
Denise is not testing this year. At the time we spoke on the phone, out of respect for her since we had emailed several times & she said she would email me or mail me the results, I honestly thought that she would. She has been beat up enough here so giving her the benefit of the doubt is what I had intended to do until she proved me wrong. I fully expected to receive those results. So oh well.
Surprise, surprise...

I honestly don't know if she ever tested. Maybe we will never know unless she ever comes out with it. I tried & gave her a way out. It did not work out. There is nothing I can do about it. No one can say that I didn't try. Besides, she never said that her tests were conducted at the U. of Florida anyway. Where did you ever get that from? I wanted to protect her privacy, & she may have tested. If you all harrassed her vet like she claimed, then, personally I don't blame her for not releasing them to me or to anyone else. You all have a way of mobbing people.
Tammy, when did you go to vet school? The last time I remember you weren't a vet so where is your expertise? You had an entirely positive colony that you put down, remember? Why did you not keep them & let them live out their lives & do some research of your own like Tere has done? Wouldn't that make you guilty of destroying your colony then?
All of my records that I have are verified through Lou Ann Miller but I will not disclose them on here, period. No PCR's just fecals.
You Tammy for someone I thought was trying to help out, you sure have a negative attitude saying I am over my head, etc. Who made you the expert though? I never once claimed to be an expert. I saw a need & I went through with it, knowing what I was facing. I have friends who have lost so much with their Dragons & I just wanted to help.
The claim of my client who was harrassed did file a police report, fyi, so do not tell me that my claims are false. They only traced the package to a particular state, but no address. How convenient I say.
Everything I do is for the animals. I have no personal interests like you do, I am not a breeder so I don't stand to lose money like you do, thus that is why everyone is trying to discredit people who actually are trying to help out.

Tracie, we are not trying to be mean...but you are not a breeder. You lack the expertise to have the arguments that you are trying to have. You don't even have a positive dragon, supposedly. How on earth could you make the claims that you make? Is it just based on the panicked statements of a couple of people who probably failed miserably in the husbandry department, who were looking for an excuse to cover up their shortcomings? There are several breeders here that are telling you that you are wrong. Perhaps you should just accept that. WE know what we are talking about - YOU do not. How in the heck do you think we could all stay in business if we were selling sickly, dying animals? We wouldn't, and we are not! It is that simple. Now...PLEASE try to think this through logically before you continue to make a bigger arse of yourself than you already have.
