FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - jasballs - John Stranahan
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Old 06-26-2008, 11:57 AM   #8
Originally Posted by critical bill
Wow..you rock man....an overdue thread. And how coincidental that it coincides with his recent rejoining of fauna. I guess its just that "out of sight, out of mind" thing eh?

But better late than never I guess.

I don't think I'm the only that's really looking forward to your next good guy thread about some pathetic scumbag salad tossing loser that pops back in and jars your memory over a past business deal.

You need to make note of the time of the season. This is getting into my busy season where I get VERY short of patience, historically. Private warnings to you have not worked, so perhaps a public one will get your attention. The next ban will be permanent. I said in a private message that I felt you were following in Wes's footsteps, so this would be that final footstep for you here. If a temporary ban does not drive home the point, then the surface attempted to be penetrated by that point is too dense.