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Old 09-08-2008, 02:00 PM   #1
OMG! Going Downhill FAST!

He was at the vet last week because of a swelling on the top of his head.
This is him when I took him to the vet. You can see there is a bump so I brought him in to get checked. That was on 8/30/08

They did a needle biopsy and the fluid was more like a mucus so they were not sure if it was really an abcess. They did a cytology and aerobic culture.
The reults came back on 9/3/08.

Cytology results of the 5 slides were:

Microscopic Description: Cellularity was moderately high with a small amount of blood. Cells were a mixture of heterophils, lymphocytes and azurophils. Mixed bacteria were observed. No cellular atypia suggestive of neoplasia was evident.

Cytological Interpretation: Septic inflamation.

Comments: Culture results will be helpful to determine appropriate antibiotic therapy.

The culture results showed 3+ gram negative rods and 3+ aeromomas species.

Treatment was prescribed as 0.08 ml of Fortaz injected IM every 3 days for a total of 10 injections.

Now for the OMG part. Here he is today on 9/8/08.

I just got back from the vet again. They have no idea what is going on now since he has blown up so much in such a short amount of time. He has also lost 50 grams in the past week and his skin is flaking.
I have been told by the vet to contact Dr. Mayer at Tufts University. No one else in the state would be able to help at this point. A highly skilled specialist is now needed and the Fortaz may be ineffective.