FaunaClassifieds - View Single Post - GOOD NEWS! Paying taxes is [I]voluntary![/I]
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Old 03-19-2009, 12:22 PM   #3
Yeah.... kind of like the "Paperwork Reduction Act". Now how much MORE paperwork do you think that little gem generated....

And "Tax Simplification"...

Really, I would like to see income tax become voluntary. When doing my taxes, I always enter all the income first into Turbo Tax. When I see that LARGE tax liability staring me in the face, it gives me a LOT of incentive to go seeking out all the deductions I can find. Trust me, seeing a notice telling you that you OWE a third of what you earned to the government will get your blood a boiling in a hurry. I wouldn't mind so much if they had done a third of the workload....