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Thread: The Lacey Act
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Old 03-23-2009, 03:52 PM   #20
Bryon: An illegal service for shipping would be one that isn't permitted by law to ship live animals. Such as air freight, which may be packed in a cargo plane without heat or adequate air.

As for asking people to pack things properly...I haven't had an issue with it yet. Most of the folks I deal with already pack properly. If someone refuses to pack properly, I don't want anything from them. I'm the customer in these cases, and if I'm willing to pay to have it done right, I expect I'll be accomodated. It's not as though I am asking for something greatly inconvenient--I'm asking for nothing more than an insulated box with a hot or cool pack if necessary, the animal to be in a bag or deli cup, and the box to be legally labeled and shipped through a company that allows it. If someone can't meet those requirements, they don't have anything I need--besides, why would I give money to someone for an animal that's more likely to arrive dead? That's not a risk I'm willing to take--I would never give money to someone who's putting animals' lives at unnecessary risk just for the sake of convenience.

I've had VERY few problems with shipments--no problems with outgoing shipments, and only a few problems with incoming shipments. But each and every single time I had a problem with an incoming shipment, it involved an improperly marked package. The worst problem for the animals seems to arise when boxes aren't marked that they contain LIVE animals. If you don't mark that the box contains live animals, there's a good chance that by the time it gets there, it won't.

But this thread is about the Lacey Act. Since the document that contains extremely explicit instructions on labeling was found and posted, how is it that people still don't understand the requirements? I realize it's very inconvenient for some people who are used to doing things under the radar, but the entire point of the labeling requirement part of the Lacey Act is to make sure that people who are handling animals know that they are handling animals, and know what animals they are handling. The very thing a lot of folks here seem to want so badly to avoid.